Women's Health

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Woman Health - Exercise, Good Food and the Defeat of Cancer

POWER, STRENGTH AND WILL – How one women over came cancer with exercise and good eating habits!

To this day she is the strongest and most optimistic women I have ever known. However ten years ago, colon cancer ripped through my mother like a hurricane, only to leave behind stretched emotions and torn up internal parts. It was the first time I had ever seen her in with such uncertainty in her eyes.

Ten years later in what seemed as some weird dejavu moment, I revisited my mother in the same hospital, only this time cancer had entered her body by ways of her thyroid. As I sat there by her bed said, Mother could only try her best in explaining to me her version of why cancer? Why her? Why now?

In both cases almost two years to the month, after two of the most stressful times in her life she had been diagnosed with this ugly health problem. But, also in each instance she was absolutely not going to let it defeat her. She was convinced stress had weakened her body allowing such things to take place.

Last week I had a chance to sit down with my eighty year old mother on her farm up in Michigan. To this day my father and she are still going strong after sixty years of marriage.

I have been in the weight loss and exercise business for twenty years, but until those moments out on their porch, she had never expressed to me how her daily exercise and eating habits played such a role in her survival of cancer twice. She went on to explain to me that she was totally convinced in both cases if it were not for her exercise habits prior and eating good foods she would not be speaking with me today. She also believed that the active lifestyle had given her spiritual and mental strength as well.

But, what came as a bigger surprise was what she said following. With tears in her eyes, she went on to express to me how much of a role I had played in being a leader in the family as it pertained to promoting exercise and good eating behaviors. It was at that moment at the age of thirty nine that I realized what my purpose in life was suppose to be.

My purpose in life is to encourage you, support you and say to you, “Never underestimate the power, strength and will of getting daily exercise and good nutrition.” It is also my mission in life to help you understand that you can change from the INSIDE OUT through real behavior change, smart eating and effective exercise.

My motto: LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH all the way to heaven!

Greg Ryan is a high profile fitness expert, former employee of Kathy Smith and best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE book series. Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting. A proven formula the doctor’s DON’T want you to know about. For FREE MINI COURES click here www.resolutions.bz