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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Vitamin C and the Smoker Women was pregnant

Consumed vitamin C during the pregnancy period will really help the mothers who had the habit smoked during contained.

The team's findings from 'the Oregon Health & Science University' also suggested that the mothers of the smoker apparently stopped his habit when being pregnant.
Results of the team's research headed by Dr Elliot Spindel this proved that vitamin C could block the effect of the negative resulting from the activity smoked that was done by the mother was pregnant.

In the high dose, vitamin C could protect damage that was caused by 'nicotine` that was produced from cigarettes.'
Results of the team's research headed by Dr Elliot this was published through 'the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.'
During his trial to the animal of Dr Eliot Spindel saw relations nicotine with the air current to the lungs.

Now to the monkey, the team of the researcher gave vitamin C to the mother of the monkey was pregnant and the monkey baby had the air current the normal lungs.
The success in the research to the animal made the team of the expert felt the team of the expert was sure that their discovery could achieve the similar success if being applied to humankind.

Nevertheless Dr Michael Gravet that became this research assistant continue to give the suggestion apparently a mother was pregnant must stop smoked for the sake of the safety the baby.